
Araw - The Decentralised Payment for E-Commerce Ecosystem

The ARAW Token: The importance of cryptocurrency in unified reward systemOne of the most important and often used metrics for measuring today’s retail ecommerce success is the customer loyalty and reward program. Nowadays, virtually all the retail and e-commerce stores use some sort of loyalty reward programs; either to reward the existing customers or woo the potential ones.

As a result, the loyalty and reward programs have spread across different industries including but not limited to financial services, travel, and retail. To make this easier, ARAW token is here to disrupt the traditional loyalty reward industry and introduces tokenization to the world of E-commerce reward system.

“ARAW token,” owned by ARAW UK Ltd, a new cryptocurrency, seeks to change the conventional method of rewarding consumers by offering greater value to customers in the form of a universal loyalty currency usable by the different E-commerce stores and/or retailers. For customers missing a variety of reward programs, cryptocurrency offers instantaneous exchange and redemption for several E-commerce stores on a single platform.

Built on the technology of Blockchain and smart contracts, ARAW token is Blockchain based unified rewards platform specifically for the retail and E-commerce industry. With the various offerings of the ARAW Platform, we are set to unseal the current limitations found in traditional customer loyalty programmes and hasten the development of a more cooperative, unified, and competitive customer reward industry.

One of the primary objectives of the Araw Platform is to give brought together reward framework and showcasing answer for online business organizations, which plans to expand the impression of clients, building significant associations with them, and thus increment the development of the business. We introduce the ARAW Token as the answer for open the maximum capacity of reward projects and in this manner increment esteem for all members in this faithfulness framework.

Araw Pay

Araw Pay will be an open gadget to acknowledge installments in ARAW tokens and can be utilized by any vendors anyplace online simply like some other installment door suppliers. We expect to give consistent Araw pay arrangements in Araw portable and web wallet, open API stage, and Araw web based business commercial center.

Web based business Marketplace

Given our conveyed record framework, things available to be purchased are assembled from various parts of the globe on the commercial center. Purchasers and merchants from various parts of the world additionally meet up in a distributed empowered condition for exchanges. Clients of the stage would thus be able to approach the whole rundown of the considerable number of offers accessible on the Araw commercial center. With our assistance and the Araw Platform, any shop proprietor is allowed to execute a solitary deal or manufacture a venture level web based business stage.

Araw Card - Touch and Pay

Araw - Touch and Pay card intends to empower clients to make micropayments at cafés, general stores and everyday web based shopping. It contains radio-recurrence distinguishing proof (RFID) to speak with card peruser to empower contactless installments. With the arrival of Araw Card, we are hoping to raise appropriation of the Araw stage by normal clients.

Open API Platform

With ARAW Token Open API Platform, clients don't have to know any type of programming code or dialect to make utilization of the framework. It is organized to be used out of the case.

The ARAW versatile wallet persistently associated with Cryptocurrency Exchanges keeps up the live swapping scale of the ARAW token and different digital forms of money.

Saving money System Integration

With consistent saving money framework incorporated in the Araw Platform, Customers will have the capacity to purchase ARAW tokens utilizing connected financial balances. They will likewise have the capacity to trade ARAW tokens with fiat and send cashback to connected records.

Araw Mobile Wallet

The consistent combination of Araw Mobile Wallet with Banking and digital currency Exchanges will empower Araw Platform clients to;
  • Top-up ARAW Tokens with a tick of a catch
  • Send and Receive ARAW tokens
  • Trade ARAW tokens with some other digital forms of money like ETH and BTC
  • Trade ARAW Token with fiat money and get cashback
Digital money Exchanges Integration

Araw stage combination with cryptographic money trades would enable clients to trade ARAW tokens with different digital forms of money (like ETH and BTC). Clients of the stage can likewise change over from one digital money to the next and from cryptographic money to fiat cash

Ethereum Blockchain – Proof of Delivery and Service

The Araw e-commercial center use shrewd contracts to make the way toward trading products with ARAW token quick, secure and include confide in the framework. It produces secure escrow for two executing parties. Through this technique they are given a money– back assurance for purchasers if the item ends up being substandard and for the vender, it guarantees that the reserve for the item they set on the commercial center is safely exchanged to them.

Distributed Transfer

The ARAW token stage empowers distributed exchange to allow clients to participate in coordinate trade of products and ventures. This empowers unhindered commerce between two gatherings anyplace on the planet. A vender can offer straightforwardly to a purchaser over the world without the standard administrations of agents or experiencing distinctive cash changes and conversion standard vacillations.

Bound together Reward System

With the different contributions of the ARAW Platform, we are set to unlock the present confinements found in conventional client dedication programs and rush the improvement of a more agreeable, bound together, and aggressive client remunerate industry. We intend to supplant the conventional prohibitive reward focuses framework utilized by normal trade organizations with a blockchain based dynamic money that builds investment and communication amongst clients and administrations.

This company has a market value that is quite special at every exchange. Providing convenience to potential investors is one of the things that the cryptocurrency companies in the world can consider to be common, but that provides clear and detailed details, while also efficiently representing a roadmap that indicates whether the company really pays attention to future future investors. If you are looking for a market as a currency trading center, this is the solution that you can take as one of the crypto-market's most important choices based on the blockchain platform. Comes with the latest technology from the blockchain platform ARAW is one of the trading markets for currencies and the exchange of crypto through the market democracy system, which has major advantages for the shareholders' profits. Not only that Ripaex.io here has an advantage that can be better described than other markets as a place to trade crypto from the official distribution of project source.

  • Ticker: ARAW
  • Token compose: ERC20
  • ICO token value: 1 ARAW = $0.01
  • Add up to tokens: 5,000,000,000
  • Accessible for token deal: 3,500,000,000 (70%)
  • Whitelist: YES (15 May – 30 June)
  • Know Your Customer (KYC): YES Pre-deal
  • begin date: 1 JULY
  • Open deal begin date: TBD
  • Delicate top: 5,000,000 USD
  • Hard top: 25,000,000 USD
  • Acknowledges: ETH

For Information

Website: https://arawtoken.io/
Whitepaper: https://arawtoken.io/assets/araw_whitepaper.pdf?v1.7
ANN: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=3497194
Faccebook: https://www.facebook.com/arawtoken
Twitter: https://t.me/ArawTokenOfficial
Telegram: https://t.me/ArawTokenOfficial