
Bx.Bet - The Revolutionizing Betting Exchange

BX has the vision to create a whole new betting experience, where any user can take over the role of the bookmaker, create their own markets, place and offer bets with self-determined odds, and even participate in the outcome determination of a market. All by using the BX Token, which is conceived to become the global standard for all betting transactions.

BX is a blockchain-based betting and prediction market ecosystem, designed to change the way the world bets. BX has the vision to create a whole new betting experience, where any user can take over the role of the bookmaker, create their own markets, place and offer bets with self-determined odds, and even participate in the outcome determination of a market. All by using the BX Token, which is conceived to become the global standard for all betting transactions. 

About BX.BET

BX is a global peer-to-peer betting exchange, where users can create or join public and private betting markets by using the BX crypto token. With the implementation of the blockchain power of the Ethereum smart contract technology, BX can cut out the middleman and give its users full control over their funds and betting transactions at all times. The BX ecosystem is secure, tamper-proof, trustless and completely transparent.

BX aims to become the leading platform for all decentralized betting and prediction applications. Unlike its centralized competitors, BX counters all the problems and weaknesses of the current betting industry. At the same time, BX can harness smart contract technology to significantly cut transaction and other operational costs, which leads to the low and fair fees which are set solely to keep the ecosystem running.

Problems of The Betting Industry
  • Lack of Trust - Traditional betting operators require a high degree of trust - which is sometimes exploited by the bookmakers, to the detriment of their users. On the other hand, this responsibility results in high procedural and financial expenditures for the bookmakers as well.
  • Lack of transparency - The processes of traditional bookmakers remain hidden, giving no insights into what information led to specific odds and making it impossible to ascertain whether the odds are fair or set too far in the bookmakers' favor.
  • Interference of Provider & Limitations - Within the current sports betting landscape, the players are very limited in their freedom of betting. bookmakers can limit the players in their betting behaviour and even penalise players who frequently win, by banning or restricting them.
  • High Costs - High costs are required to run a traditional betting operator safely and efficiently for both the players and the company. These costs are reflected in high margin odds and directly charged to the players.

Our decentralized, blockchain based approach eliminates non-distributed processes and allows players to benefit from full transparency and total control over their betting experience. We remove the middleman and hand control back to the user.

BX.BET neutralises all problems and weaknesses from the current betting market, by introducing a powerful and distributed ecosystem running on self-executing smart contracts, which significantly cuts transaction and operational costs.

How to Work Ecosystem
  • Exchange Between - Exchange exchange BX establishes a central hub for its users to receive or offer bets on market results.
  • Cost Structure - BX will establish a fair and transparent cost structure, which is solely designed to keep the ecosystems running. The overall cost will be much lower than the industry standard.
  • Smx BX Contract - All BX bet transactions, as well as payments, will run safely, independently and transparently in blockchain using Smart Contract Technology.
  • Market Owner - Being a bet has never been easier. In the BX ecosystem, each user can become a Market Owner and receive part of the market they have created.
  • Bitting Markets - BX will offer two types of betting markets in the ecosystem: private and public markets.
  • First - BX will introduce a BX voting system as a decentralized Oracle to determine the results of bets safely and reliably

Token Sale Details

Pre-Token Sale start date : 3rd September 2018
Pre-Token Sale end date : 17th September 2018
Main Token Sale start date : 8th October 2018
Main Token Sale end date : 5th November 2018
Total token supply : 200,000,000
Total tokens offered : 120,000,000
Hard cap : $20,000,000
Soft cap : $5,000,000
Token symbol : BX
Token sale price : 1 BX = 0.19 USD
Blockchain used : Ethereum
Token standard : ERC20
Token type : Utility

For Information

Website: http://www.bx.bet/
Whitepaper: https://bx.bet/static/files/whitepaper.pdf
Telegram: https://t.me/bxbet
Twitter: https://twitter.com/BXBETico
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/BXBET/
Medium: https://medium.com/bxbet
ANN thread: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=4641799.0
